PPG Meeting Minutes April 2024

  • Chair Adrian Pitts
  • Minute taker Sarah Baker


  • Sarah Baker (SB)
  • Julia Wakeham (JW)
  • Adrian Pitts (AP)
  • Arlene Hansell (AH)  
  • Robert Cresswell (RC)
  • Lyn Fitzjohn (LF)  
  • Andrew Stanley (AS)
  • Reuben Lewis(RL)
  • Patricia and Peter Williams (PW)
  • Laura Phipp (LP)
  • Andrew Mackie (AM)
  • Mark Munday (MM)
  • Teresa Feely (TF)
  • Jane Hetherton (JH)
  • Susan Holleran (SH)


  • New members were welcomed and introduced to the group.

Minutes of the last meeting

  • Minutes agreed 

Matters arising

LP had a query regarding e-consults. Is there a limit on how many e-consults a patient can submit and can they be submitted over the weekend? SB advised no limit.

E-consults can only be submitted during core hours (08:00-18:30 Monday –Friday)

Nominations and Elections

  • AP was nominated to continue as Chair. AP agreed. No nominations or volunteers for deputy chair

Woodlands Update Including Actions from Last Meeting

  • SB confirmed no major changes to the running of the surgery. She has run several reports for information purposes and to compare at the 2025 AGM.
  • All actions from previous meeting completed apart from an entry in the patient newsletter regarding prescriptions. This will be included in the next newsletter.
  • Flu data for 23-24
  • Aged 65+ 79%- National average 22-23 79%
  • Aged 2-3 44%-National average 22-23 43%
  • Aged 18-64 at risk 44%- National average 22-23 40%
  • Aged under 18 at risk 66%- No national data 
  • Cervical Screening
  • Aged 24-49 78% -National average 22-23 68.7%
  • Aged 50-64 81%- National average 22-23 74.4%
  • E-consults Received 23-24
  • April 38
  • May 31
  • June 59
  • July 118
  • Aug 134
  • Sept 131
  • October 147
  • November 167
  • December 123
  • Jan 194
  • Feb 515
  • March 362
  • Blood test carried out 23-24
    • 4393
  • Complaints
    • Increased from Last Year.
    • 22-23 17 4 upheld 4 partly upheld
    • 23-24 35 14 Upheld 5 partly upheld
    • Those upheld
    • 5 cancelled nurses’ appointments
    • Misdiagnosis 2
    • Referral/xray not sent 2
    • Told to speak to the wrong person 1
    • Customer Service 2
    • ANP Service 1
    • Appointment not made with the GP 1

Upheld complaints reviewed at GP meeting and changes to procedures adjusted or training provided to prevent future occurrence.

GP face to face Appointments 23%

  • TF asked if reception can give their names when answering the phones. SB to action
  • Call recording discussed. SB confirmed all calls are recorded and are kept for 2 years. Patients can request a recording. AP stated call back system working well.
  • SB confirmed the surgery is fully staffed at the moment. WHC workforce has expanded due to the increase in patient numbers. It will continue to increase as per the patient population. AP advised Tonbridge Primary Care Network have discussed setting up a satellite surgery. SB confirmed it was not in WHC plans to set up a satellite surgery. Section 106 money from developers touched upon. Amount/time frame unclear. AP stated in the KCC minute’s part of this would be allocated to WHC.
  • Pedestrian crossing on the main road outside the surgery discussed. MM advised this is currently being discussed by the council but they have reservations about the speed traffic comes over the railway bridge.
  • PW asked for a poster in reception showing which GPs were in surgery and when. This is also on the WHC website. SB to action

APPG Annual Update and forward planning

  • AP gave a summary of his 23-24 report (attached to the minutes)
  • AP confirmed he attends the West Kent PPG chairs meeting. PW asked how WHC PPG compare to other PPGs. AP advised some PPGs are more involved, fund raising etc. Some practical, some philosophical. JW feels WHC PPG works well and commented “comparison is the thief of joy.”
  • Patient Access V NHS App discussed. Agreed Patient Access is the superior platform. Patients have noticed an extra layer of security has been added which can be confusing. AP mentioned there is a Digital Drop in facility once a month at the Paddock Wood community centre which can help patients get set up on the various digital platforms. SB will add to the next patient newsletter.
  • SB to action

Forward Planning

  • AP will produce a leaflet before the next PPG Awareness Week (3rd-9th June) and asked for help from the members distributing them around the village. AP to action
  • RC bought back positive feedback from a recent experience with nurse Julia Speight. He felt very confident in her ability and was reassured by her.
  • JW announced she, and Dr Turner ran the London Marathon this year and raised over £5000 for disabled children. AP asked for a photos on Facebook. JW has no objection. SB will speak to Dr Turner. SB to action 
  • National Patient Survey due out soon. Not available the last time SB checked.
  • Next PCN Survey SB will ensure all patients receive the link.

AGM Closed

Action Log

  1. Next Patient Newsletter to add articles regarding the Digital Drop in Centre and Prescriptions-SB
  2. Reception to say their names on answering phones-SB
  3. Poster in reception showing which GP is in Surgery when-SB
  4. Picture on Facebook JW and ST Marathon picture-SB
  5. PPG awareness week leaflet-AP

Date of next meeting

Date of next meeting Wednesday 24th July 2024 6pm at Woodlands.
It was noted JW would not be in attendance due to holiday.