How to Make and Cancel an Appointment

Care Navigation (Signposting)

Over the coming months you will notice your receptionist begin to ask for a brief outline of your problem when you ring to book an appointment.

This is because we are introducing something called “Care Navigation”. It means we are training receptionists and clerical staff to help them help patients by identifying the most appropriate place for their care.

Through this specialist training, our practice team will be able to direct you to the most appropriate health clinician for your needs first.

Receptionists will never offer clinical advice or triage; this new way of working is about offering you the choice to see more appropriate professionals in the practice team or even somewhere else. If they can deal with the problem directly, it will often be quicker and means you may not need to see the GP at all.   More Information...


Routine Appointments

To request a routine appointment or to arrange a phone consultation with the doctor:


To Cancel an Appointment

Please inform us early if you can’t make your appointment, this allows us to offer the slot to someone else.

Cancellations made less than 30 minutes before will count as a no-show (DNA), missing appointments wastes NHS resources and may result in removal from our list.


Extended Access

We offer more accessible appointments within West Kent with GP’s, Nurses and other Health Professionals until 8pm on weekdays.  Weekend and holiday appointments are also available.

Call us on 01892 833 331, our receptionist staff will offer new appointments routinely.  If you need a Saturday, Sunday or evening slot, please specify.  They’ll also inform you about the appointment location, which might not be at this surgery.


Urgent Appointments

To request an urgent appointment for today (Monday to Friday):

•    Call us on 01892 833 331, Monday to Friday, when we are open  – do not use eConsult

When you get in touch, we will ask you what you need help with.

We will use the information you give us to choose the most suitable doctor, nurse or health professional to help you.


If you need help when we are closed

  • Use NHS 111 online  – (for people aged 5 and over) or call 111 (for a child under 5).
  • Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency.  This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

How to Request a Home Visit

If you are housebound or unable to leave your home due to an illness or disability

A doctor or nurse may call you back and may provide advice over the phone, decide if a nurse visit or hospital trip is better.


GP Training

You might meet a GP registrar, a doctor in special training for General Practice.

Sometimes we ask to record your consultation for training.  You can withdraw your consent after the visit.

Medical and clinical students also gain experience in our practice under supervision.